#1 Post and Rail Fencing Company in San Mateo, CA

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Post and Rail Fencing Near San Mateo, CA

For over a decade, our team of skilled fencing experts at Fencing San Mateo has been providing quality post and rail fencing installation services to residential and commercial clients.

If you’re looking to add beauty, security, and value to your property with a classic wood fence design, post and rail fencing is an excellent choice.

At our company, we specialize in crafting custom post and rail fences to meet each client’s unique specifications and property needs. We use only the highest quality wood and hardware to construct durable, long-lasting fences that will stand the test of time.

Our team brings an artistic eye to every fence project, taking great care with the post spacing, rail configurations, and other details to create an aesthetically pleasing look.

With proper installation by our experienced crews, your new post and rail fence will require very little maintenance over many years of reliable performance.

We also provide any necessary repairs or maintenance work to keep your fence looking its best. When you choose us for your post and rail fencing project, you can have confidence knowing that we’ll get the job done right the first time.

Process We Follow for Post and Rail Fencing

Installing a properly constructed post and rail fence requires careful planning, high-quality materials, and skilled workmanship. Here is an overview of our process for post and rail fence installation:

Site Evaluation and Planning

The first step our team takes is a thorough evaluation of your property to understand your needs and develop a customized fencing plan. We take measurements and examine the terrain to determine the ideal fence placement, post spacing, and configuration. We also identify any obstructions, like trees and utilities, that must be accounted for.

During planning, we discuss options with you such as fence height, post and rail materials, accessories like gates, and how the fence will be situated on your property lines. Our aim is to develop a complete installation plan tailored to your unique specifications.

Installing the Fence Posts

Fence post installation is the foundation of a sturdy, long-lasting post and rail fence. We dig precise holes for each post, spaced according to your chosen design. The holes are deeper than the frost line to prevent shifting.

For sturdy support, we fill the holes with concrete and insert the posts, carefully keeping them aligned and plumb. The posts are then braced while the concrete fully cures. Properly installed posts prevent sagging and other issues down the road.

Attaching the Rails and Cross-Pieces

Once the posts have properly cured, we move on to installing the horizontal fence rails and cross-pieces that span between each post. Using galvanized hardware, we securely attach the rails and other wooden support pieces in a configuration that matches your design plans.

The fence takes shape as each section of rails and cross-bracing is installed between the posts. Meticulous attention to detail ensures a uniform look across the entire fence line. We also allow space for the wood to naturally expand and contract.

Installing Fence Accessories and Final Touches

With the main fence structure complete, we move on to any final accessories or touches. For gates, we install sturdy gate posts and attach pre-constructed gate sections. Other accessories like post caps or decorative finials are added if specified.

Once fully assembled, we do a final inspection of the fence to ensure every piece is straight, securely fastened, and ready to stand up to the elements. The work area is cleaned up and any remaining materials hauled away.

Cost of Post and Rail Fencing in San Mateo, CA

The total cost of your post and rail fence installation will depend on several key factors, including:

  • Fence length – Pricing is usually based on the linear footage of fencing needed. Longer fence runs cost more.
  • Fence height – Taller fences that require longer posts and more materials cost more.
  • Post spacing – Wider post spacing that requires longer rails/cross-pieces may increase cost.
  • Terrain – Fences over uneven ground or slopes require more labor and equipment.
  • Accessories – Items like gates, caps, lattice, etc add to the total project price.
  • Choice of wood – High-end wood types like cedar cost more than pine. We offer both options.
  • Local permits – Some cities require permits that add nominal fees. We take care of the permitting process.

With those factors in mind, most of our clients end up paying $25-50 per linear foot installed for a standard post and rail fence. We also offer premium options if desired. Call us for an exact price quote tailored to the specifics of your property and project.

Great Reasons to Choose Us


With over a decade of experience, our team has the expertise to handle any fencing challenge with ease.


We create customized fences designed specifically for your unique property and needs.

Quality Materials

We source only the highest quality fencing materials to construct durable and long-lasting fences.

Professional Installation

Our experienced installers follow industry best practices to build secure, level, and aesthetically pleasing fences.

Customer Satisfaction

We are committed to 100% customer satisfaction and will not rest until you are thrilled with your new fence.


Our competitive pricing and financing options make quality fencing attainable within different budgets.

FAQs About Post and Rail Fencing in San Mateo, CA

Why choose post and rail fencing?

Post and rail fences provide classic good looks and strong construction. The stacked horizontal rails deliver a timeless style. These fences also create a visible boundary while maintaining an open feel that doesn’t obstruct views.

What is the best wood for post and rail fencing?

We recommend using pressure-treated pine posts for durability underground. For rails, cedar offers beauty and weather-resistance, but pine is more affordable. We can source either type to meet your needs and budget.

How far apart should post and rail fence posts be spaced?

We typically space posts 6-8 feet apart for stability. Wider spacing is possible but requires thicker, stronger rails. We determine optimal post spacing based on your fence height and terrain.

Should I choose round or square posts for my fence?

This is an aesthetic choice. Square-edged posts provide a more formal, refined look. Rounded posts have a more rustic, natural style. Let us know your preference.

What is the best height for a post and rail fence?

Four feet is popular for pets and children. Five feet provides added privacy and security. Taller 6 or 7 foot fences are ideal for horses. We recommend selecting a height that suits your needs while meeting any HOA rules.

How long does it take to install a post and rail fence?

The installation time depends on the fence length. Most projects take 1-3 days with our experienced crews. We’ll provide an accurate timeline estimate before starting your project.

Can you incorporate gates into my post and rail fence?

Absolutely. We can expertly install matching single or double post and rail gates. The gates can be widened as needed to accommodate vehicles, equipment, etc.

How often does a post and rail fence need maintenance?

Properly installed fences require little maintenance for 5-10 years. Periodic washing, sealant reapplication, and checks for damage will keep your fence looking its best.

What should I use to seal and protect my wood fence?

We recommend transparent water repellents or wood preservatives made for fencing. Avoid film-forming stains which can peel and flake over time. We’re happy to advise on the best products to use in your climate.

How do I clean my post and rail fence?

A mild soap and water solution is usually adequate for cleaning. For tougher stains, a wood cleaner brightener can be used. We recommend testing cleaners first and taking care around metal fence hardware when cleaning.


Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Why Local San Mateo Residents Trust Us

People Say The Nicest Things

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
“John S. installed a beautiful cedar fence for my backyard in San Mateo. He did an excellent job and I highly recommend his fencing services.”
carol Mark

San Mateo, CA

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
“We hired this fencing company to build a privacy fence around our pool area. They were very professional and completed the job quickly. We are so pleased with the results.”
Tim Allen

San Mateo, CA

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
“I was referred to a local fencing contractor in San Mateo to install a chain link fence for my business. They provided a fair price and quality workmanship. I will use them again.”
Devid Handy

San Mateo, CA

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Every day from

9:00 — 5:00

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  • Starting downtown, head north on South B Street then make a left on East 4th Ave followed by a right on South Delaware Street. Turn left on 9th Avenue and arrive shortly on the right.
  • Coming from Highway 101 North, take the CA-92 West exit then turn left on Delaware Street and right on 9th Avenue, arriving soon after on the right side.
  • From Hayward Park Station, walk northwest on West Hillsdale Boulevard, turn right on Norfolk Street followed by a left on 9th Avenue. 812 will be on the left side.